“A beautiful quality of friendship is
To understand and to
be understood”.
So said Seneca,
aeons ago -
His philosophical
maxim still holds good.
My family is small
in number,
But they support me
to the hilt.
Each and every
single time
My life gives another
twist and tilt.
Another week…..
another trauma....
“I thought we
already had the full set??!”
Well, it would
appear – emphatically not,
Are more to come?? Oh yes ... you bet!!
Although we’ve had so many traumas,
It doesn’t mean they now end - there.
Despite its being
“Unjust, unfair..
Look, we've had more than our fair share!!"
Emotionally-wrung by
another lately,
Trying to hold up
amid angst and pain,
I take comfort from
my family’s presence,
And knowing I
don’t have to explain.
So, please, be
grateful if you have good family,
Ensure you always
cherish and care.
Because you know
you’ll always need them,
Because you know
they’ll always be there.