Belated "Thank You" for Birthday Present - Muse has been AWOL!

Thank you for the thoughtful gift -
An Amazing Amazon Gift Card!

How to spend? Well, that was easy.
I didn’t have to think too hard!

I make, and donate, “Thank You” cards
For the Open Medicine Foundation.

They send to financial donors….
And they’re my personal donation.

So I bought hundreds of “Thank You” tags,
From a shop that was closing down.

I stocked up well, whilst I could,
I really went to town!*

And, now, I’ve hundreds of “Thank Yous”
And I know just what to do.

For such a lovely, thoughtful gift…..
I’m sending hundreds of “Thank Yous” to you!**

* metaphorically, not literally!
** again, metaphorically, not literally!!
