Dedicated To The True Guardians Of The Earth

Indigenous peoples everywhere
Lived in harmony with the earth.

She nourished them; she nurtured them,
In death, through life, at birth.

For them, the earth was sacred -
Gaia, Goddess; Gaia, Mother.

She supported, she sustained them.
They depended on each other.

Then, came men from the Old World,
Their eyes a-blaze with greed.

"I see ..."  "I like ... "  "I love ...!"
"I want ...!"  "I take ...!"  "I NEED ...!!"😡

Millennia of mindful care,
Roughly brushed away.

Took just a couple of centuries - 
Give or take a day.

"We came!  We saw!!  We conquered!!!
"We trash - because we can .... !!!!"

I shake my head in disbelief,
Cry tears of anger and of grief.....

"We trash - because we can....."???!!!😢

Well🤔 ...
"What a piece of work is man".....😢
