For Mary, My M.E. Friend in Tennessee

M.E. take-away:

My ability to read.

Books were my soul-food,

And, greedily, I’d feed.

M.E. take-away:

My ability to chat.

Now, brief conversations,

With husband and with cat.

M.E. take-away:

My ability to have fun.

Now, every single, tiny joy,

Means payback...  Every one….

M.E. take-away: 

My strong and stable (!) heart.

I now have an arrhythmic one,

Prone to fit and start.

M.E. take-away:

My enjoyment of the summer.

Heat, light-sensitivity -

Really, it’s a bummer!

M.E. take-away:

My ability to walk,

Except for short distances -

Then brain and body balk.

M.E. take-away:

My super-duper brain (!)

It’s left me with a blooper –

Which works, now and again.

M.E. take-away:

My body, which worked well.

Now, wobbly, weak and pain-wracked –

I would gladly sell.

M.E. take-away:

My ability to stand tall.

Now mostly horizontal,

Not upright much at all.

M.E. take-away:

My humour, spark and wit.

I was articulate and funny….

Now? No! Not one bit!

M.E. take-away:
My ability to drive.
Windows open, music on,
Glad to be alive.

M.E. take-away:

The life I want and need.

I now have an “existence”.

A poor exchange indeed.....
