"STAYIN' ALIVE" ......

"STAYIN' ALIVE" ......

Dedicated To All My Dear Friends

If I try - very hard - 
I can JUST remember ...

When I woke every morn,
Full of vim, full of bounce.

Now? Not a scrap, an iota, or jot,
Not a miniscule ml, a gram or an ounce!

I wake up more tired than when I retired,
I don't feel, at all, in the slightest bit rested.

I feel as though I've fought with a foe,
And won??  ... Oh, no!
Trounced, beat and bested!

Brain and body allow me some energy,
And all that I have goes on "stayin' alive" ...

I've not "lived a life" for many a year ...
When I try to "live", my health takes a dive!

But good friends understand, so, for them, a big cheer!
With them in my life, I have little fear.

They understand, sympathise ... that much is clear,
And that's why I hold them so near and so dear.

