I’ve just returned from the park ...
Where I went for a waddling wobble🙁 ...

“Back in the day”, I power-walked ...
Now, a halting, hesitant hobble.

The only place I can go on my own ...
Peace and quiet generally reign ...

The world has returned to work ...
The children in school again.

Occasionally, I see someone:
“Nice dog”.
“Beautiful day”.

My ideal length of conversation ...
ME people need no explanation.

Now retired, I often ponder ...
How very small my world has become ...

I thought that it would be infinite ...
When working days were definitely done.

So many plans, places to go ...
Things to do, people to see.

Now, my world is mostly my house and garden ...
The sadness ...
The pity.....
And the irony🙁 ...

