MURDER MOST FOLIAR (continued) ...

MURDER MOST FOLIAR (continued)... 

Dedicated To All My Dear Friends .... and The Good Man ...

Still trying to "take out" the aucuba ...
And a marathon job it's proving!

The aucuba is VERY well-rooted...
And Aucuba says: "I ain't movin'"😉....

It's already destroyed two garden-forks😵 ...
Misleadingly deemed "heavy-duty"😶🤔....

And the Good Man is doing all that he can ....
But his language is getting quite fruity!🙃

We really didn't want to kill Aucuba ....
But I'm loving the space already made ...

And, when (if?😉), it's finally uprooted ...
I'm hoping a small lawn will be laid😉

Then, on days when sun is burning and bright😉 ...
I'm looking forward to sitting in ... 
Ash Arbour Glade ....🙂
